The Live Rich Method:
a 12-week 1:1 coaching intensive

For 3 months you & I will work closely together on rebalancing all areas of your life for true health & vitality. With weekly 60-minute calls (12 sessions) & text support between sessions for extra accountability & support, this is the sweet spot to really see major transformation.

The program is broken into 3 segments: we begin with Mind (rituals & routines for your day to combat triggers & create new realities), then we move into Body (intuitive eating principles to feel your most vital & unlock your natural form), and then we end with Spirit (creating practices that allow you to deepen your sense of self & bring you into your soul purpose).

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Book a complimentary call to see if you would be a good fit!

Let’s see how I can help you live rich.

Looking forward to hearing from you!
Mary xx