Rebirthing the Spirit
Hannah Goldberg Hannah Goldberg

Rebirthing the Spirit

It’s easy to feel like an alien here on planet Earth, but Embodiment & Transformational Mentor, Hannah Goldberg, is here to help you feel more hvman. Ever think a big portion of our everyday suffering is due to the fact that we’re all pretending? Yea, us either… Anyway, Hannah is here to tell us how she dropped the act & the magic that ensued. Take notes*.

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Ditch the Ladder & Choose your Fate
Geri Paige Butner Geri Paige Butner

Ditch the Ladder & Choose your Fate

If your sunday scaries have shifted into a full on existential crisis, welcome. You belong here with the rebels. The good news is you don’t have to keep climbing up that soulless corporate ladder if you don’t want to, sugarplum. The even better news is that Geri Paige Butner, Life & Business Coach, is here to tell you exactly how to ditch the ladder for good & take fate into your own hands. Ready to leap?

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Spring Skincare Rituals
Nichole Dunst Nichole Dunst

Spring Skincare Rituals

Ring Ring, your skin is calling. She wants to know why you continue to smother her with the same stale creams year-round. Lucky for you we’ve brought in rescue. Holistic Esthetician, Nichole Dunst, is in the house to drop all the spring skincare knowledge you’ve desperately been needing. Time to wise up & answer that call. Listen to your skin.

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Crossing the Threshold to Success
Marine Sélénée Marine Sélénée

Crossing the Threshold to Success

If you’ve officially grown exhausted from chasing Success & never catching up to her, stop & take a breath. Family Constellation Therapist, Marine Sélénée, is here to tell you why you’re lost in this race to begin with. Consider this required reading. Time to cross the threshold to your full power, babe. See you on the other side.

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Breathing into the Unknown
Daniella Rabbani Daniella Rabbani

Breathing into the Unknown

You’re tense, you’re panicked, and Fear is breathing down your neck. What now?! Don’t freak. Breathwork coach, Daniella Rabbani, is on deck. We’re about to stare your fear right in its ominous face. Take a deep breath. Never know, you might turn around to see a kitten instead of a monster.

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Spirit Bonds
Mel Dolan Mel Dolan

Spirit Bonds

In the realm outside of logic awaits a sea of love & connection beyond anything you’ve ever known, just waiting for the taking. Embodiment Coach, Mel Dolan, is here to share her personal experience with this connection to a higher love & its potential to transform every aspect of your life.

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Connection Medicine
Meg Sweeten Meg Sweeten

Connection Medicine

Friends are cute. But soul connections, those are sacred. Meditation Teacher, Meg Sweeten, weighs in on the importance of seeing & witnessing others as a means of building meaningful community. Go find yourself an anam cara (soul friend) & experience the healing power of human connection for yourself.

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The Dance with Divine Timing
Fi Nodar Fi Nodar

The Dance with Divine Timing

Back in full force, Fi Nodar, talks time & trust. She hits on the secret sauce to manifesting what’s meant for you, while painting a picture of the sublime quality life takes on when you devote yourself to alignment with the Uni. Brace yourself for major impact. 

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Reclaim Your Cyclical Nature
Meg Sweeten Meg Sweeten

Reclaim Your Cyclical Nature

If you think the only way to bear great change is to white knuckle it all the way there, think again. Mindfulness & meditation teacher, Meg Sweeten, is here to help you loosen your grip & let (da fuq) go. No need to fasten seatbelts, gang, this one is soft & sweet like the lullaby you didn’t know you needed. Let’s go on a joyride to rediscover your true undulating nature, shall we?

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Rockbottom me, baby.
Caitlin Bebb Caitlin Bebb

Rockbottom me, baby.

She’s baaackkk. Life Coach & self-love mentor, Caitlin Bebb, chats to us about the importance of embracing change as those miraculous shifts that transform us into higher being. She offers actionables to do just that. It’s this reframe that takes you from rock-bottom to sky high. If you let it :)

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Initiating Deep Change from the Outside In
Fi Nodar Fi Nodar

Initiating Deep Change from the Outside In

Ladies & gents, we have a new queen on the scene. Creativity Coach & Artist, Fi Nodar, is here to show you the transformative power of your living environment & what you can do to grant yourself the gift of a spatial reset. Herein lies your opportunity to shake free of all debris & uplevel your life. Let’s get unstuck, shall we?

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Sensory Self-Care
Mary Nyiri Mary Nyiri

Sensory Self-Care

Stimulating the senses has never been sexier. As we slow down & harness our attention to notice the sights, sounds, smells, tastes & touch available to us, we come home to the divinity of our own bodies. Toss aside the over-priced eye cream & cancel that massage because this version of self-care requires no frills. This one’s all about simple sensual pleasure. Now tell that pretty brain of yours to take a seat; your senses are about to take center-stage.

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Getting Off on Drama
Jenny Braxton Jenny Braxton

Getting Off on Drama

Sexuality & empowerment coach, Jenny Braxton, is here to preach Pussy Centered Living. That’s right, this self-proclaimed Pussy Centered Queen founded a school of the same name to show womxn that all we desire can be called into reality with pussy power. She muses on what it means to live life from this empowered place & gives a real life example from her own marriage to illustrate how we can alchemize emotions, transforming a heated argument into pleasure play.

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Living Rich with Sensuality
Mel Dolan Mel Dolan

Living Rich with Sensuality

What if you were told that instead of willing something you want into existence, you could just allow it to come to you like magic? There’s a caveat though – you’ll have to throw caution to the wind & start to excavate those subconscious thoughts that have been driving your behavior all this time. The good news is this process need not be arduous – it can be deeply pleasurable. Embodiment coach, Mel Dolan, is on the scene to help you do just that. Follow along as she shows you how to harness your sensuality to manifest a healthy rich life.

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NYC Heated Vegan Dining Guide
Live Rich Mag. Live Rich Mag.

NYC Heated Vegan Dining Guide

Finding a dope plant-based restaurant in one of the best restaurant scenes on planet Earth, relatively easy. Finding good eats with good heat, little trickier. Blend the two & you’ve got yourself one sticky situation. Freeze or feast? That is the question. With spring around the corner comes the promise of warmer temps, but don’t store away the sweaters just yet, New Yorkers. As you know, the nights will remain nippy for a bit yet. Don’t fret – we have just the spots to keep you comfy.

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Intuitive Eating 101
Mary Nyiri Mary Nyiri

Intuitive Eating 101

Oddly enough, the trendiest new diet is actually an anti-diet. After years of binge & restrict cycles amongst dieters of all sexes, we are finally wising up to the lie. Yet many of us still can’t manage to let go of all the diet culture that’s been programmed into our society over the course of the past century. As with any great change, the key is to first look at the beliefs you’ve been clinging to that might not be the truthiest of truths. Only then can you start to align with your intuition to guide your diet choices. Let’s dig in.

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The Ultimate NYC Sweets Guide
Live Rich Mag. Live Rich Mag.

The Ultimate NYC Sweets Guide

Regardless of your relationship status, Valentine’s Day is the one day a year where sweets take the spotlight. Sugar lovers rejoice! Sure, it’s a day all about love, but nobody said you can’t love yourself! You eat for health & vitality every day; make this day about pure pleasure, lovers. No need to throw your non-negotiables out the window – you can still find out-of-this-world desserts sans animal products & gluten. So gather up the girls & go get the goods – it’s gonna be one hell of a Galentine’s.

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Feelin’ The Feels
Andria Lea Andria Lea

Feelin’ The Feels

Dear readers, you’re in for a treat. Somatic Therapist, Andria Lea, is in the house to shed some light on the oh-so-trendy mind body connection. Using solid science, she takes the fluff out of feelings & gets real about the body. Plus, she gifts us with a practice to listen to our body’s intelligence for answers we might otherwise seek in a logic trap.

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Decoding Intuition
Caitlin Bebb Caitlin Bebb

Decoding Intuition

Want to punch that wise friend of yours square in her cute face when she tells you to follow your intuition after you explain your mega predicament? We feel you. Resident life coach, Caitlin Bebb, is back to chat on WTF that even means in the first place. You’ll be left with the practical advice you wish you’d been given from the start with this encouraging read.

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Chromatherapy: In Session with Susanna Merrick of Aura Wear™
Live Rich Mag. Live Rich Mag.

Chromatherapy: In Session with Susanna Merrick of Aura Wear™

The doctor will see you now. Live Rich sits down with Susanna Merrick, founder of Aura Wear, for some customized color prescriptions for your common 2020 ailments. She talks on all things color medicine - from building a loungewear capsule that lights up your WFH day, to bringing color into your home in a way that makes quarantine oh so posh. You’ll leave here with the cure you’ve been craving.

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