Decoding Intuition


Want to punch that wise friend of yours square in her cute face when she tells you to follow your intuition after you explain your mega predicament? We feel you. Resident life coach, Caitlin Bebb, is back to chat on WTF that even means in the first place. You’ll be left with the practical advice you wish you’d been given from the start with this encouraging read.

“Follow your intuition.” It’s one of those self-help phrases that, while a sound piece of life advice, begs the question: “yeah ok…. HOW?!”

Often intuition gives its cues quietly and consistently. It’s a matter of tuning out the noise and listening to that voice inside yourself. Not what your family has told you, society, the media, etc… What do you want your life to feel like? 

This ranges from the music you listen to, to the food you eat, who you spend time with, your job, where you live, who you date. We’re not taught to trust ourselves. And so those of us, who somewhere along the line in adulthood became interested in having more agency over our own lives, decided, no thanks - I’M IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT. Which is so beautiful but again… how do we drive? And sometimes “the driver” is our ego, who can make decisions from a place of pride or fear. Whereas our intuition is like a peaceful back seat driver who secretly has a map, but won’t show it to us. 

It can show up as big or little physical things because - The body. Doesn’t. Lie. When I receive an intuitive *hit* it literally feels like an energetic bell has gone off. I “hear” it behind my ears. I feel my spine long and sit up straight. I also know when something is off or wrong when I feel knots in my stomach, and my jaw gets really tight. This is my body saying “No.” 

What are these cues? Little tiny things like “go back to that bookstore and work for a few hours” (I’ll run into someone I met once). Or “log back into that dating app” (I’ll meet someone who gives me the exact experience or lesson I need). Or texting an old friend (and then they happen to have a job offer for you). I no longer believe in coincidences. 

Things that I could easily not follow, but also… why not? I know that these pings are different for everyone. Think about a time in your life when for some reason you thought you should go somewhere or do something, and you did, and something kinda magical resulted from it…  

Sometimes it’s a long game. I’ll share my story of this: I had lived in NYC for almost a decade. I needed a break and manifested a seasonal job in the Catskills (the mountain region 3 hours North of NYC). Being in nature everyday and having a dramatically slower pace of life for the first time in my entire life made me realize how many options were possible - in terms of a life one wants to live. 

I went back to my “real life” in the city 5 months later and knew that it wasn’t the lifestyle I wanted anymore. But I didn’t know HOW, or WHY, or WHEN. So I stayed open. I started going on little solo weekend getaways, renting Air BnBs in different places to see if a town called out to me. Those adventures were lovely in and of themselves, but they were also imprinting a message to myself “you’re worthy of the life you desire: go find it.” And so with no concrete reason, I knew I needed to move. Spring of 2020…

And then the pandemic hit. I assumed my plans were derailed. “How can I move right now? What will the job situation be?” So much doubt, so many questions. And still - I kept looking online everyday for rental listings. I had a very clear vision of the cottage I wanted. And BECAUSE I was so isolated, I thought, fuck it, why not be in nature? I found the cottage. I made the move. I did it all by myself. I landed in a town where I didn’t know anyone in the middle of a pandemic, just having started my own business. A lot of people would say that was a crazy thing to do. Despite the extreme difficulties of this year, I knew I’d made the right decision for me. 

A few ideas if you’re wanting to tap into your intuition… 

Try going 2 weeks without asking for advice. We do this naturally so often, we don’t even realize it. If you do, you can take it back. Either text or in person “hey I know I asked about ______, but you can hold off on input, I’m sorting through it. Thanks for listening.” If you live in a family that offers unwelcome advice, remind yourself that it comes from love. This is a great opportunity to draw a boundary: “I really appreciate how much you want to help, but I’m trying this new thing, I’m trying an experiment, where I listen to my intuition. Let’s resume this discussion in 2 weeks!” 

Of course you’re allowed to Google and research ideas. I invite you to become aware of when you’re looking for information, and when you’re seeking advice or validation. 

What’s amazing about cultivating an intuitive practice is that you don’tneed anything.It can be you, sitting in your car, daydreaming. Second guessing your old responses to people. Sipping your morning coffee with a little more tender care thinking, “what do I really want?”

Caitlin Bebb

Caitlin Bebb is a life coach, writer, and self love mentor. Her current favorite things include making playlists, reuniting with friends, new restaurants, and spending as much time in nature as possible. IG @caitlinbebb

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