Intuition > Intellect


It defies all logic, is faster than your mind on a good day, and has the ability to guide you away from danger & toward prosperity. It’s your intuition! In Western society we tend to shun anything that our brains cannot compute, but what about the deeper wisdom of our bodies? That inner knowing that cannot be explained away so easily.

It might bring about the image of a corny drama where a woman awakens with a premonition of a horrible tragedy only to alert the police just in time to avoid catastrophe. This is further proof that in our society we see our intuition as disjointed from daily life. Yes, our intuition can guide us toward saving the world at large (one can only hope), but it can also be your guide through life – and it should be! After all, both Oprah & Steve Jobs have attributed their successes to the wisdom beyond the mind. 

What now? Switch it on & wait for the channel to change? Unfortunately, because we are urged to favor intellect over feeling in our society, this takes a bit of effort. It means overcoming the desensitization that is programmed into each us from an early age. Think about it: the (outdated) archetypical image of a successful figure in our world is some rich bloke that is non-stop productive, has no time for emotions, and somehow needs no food or sleep. It’s only within recent years that people are starting to come out of the woodwork to talk about adopting & practicing meditation techniques to complement their careers. It’s progress, but we still have a long way to come in reconnecting with our intuition.

We have the opportunity to re-commune with this deep-seeded wisdom gifted to each & every one of us to bring greater sense of purpose, flow, and ease into our daily lives. Who doesn’t want that? But it starts first with opening your mind to the possibility that you have power beyond what you’ve been led to believe - an entire well of unrealized potential. The ability to tap into an inner knowing that can guide you toward the foods your body needs, the type of environment that would best serve you, the work that you’re meant to do here in this lifetime. Imagine that for a moment. Harnessing your intuition can transform your whole world, but only if you want it to.

A necessary first step is addressing the blocks that have been keeping you from allying with your intuition to begin with – especially the societal programming that has kept you under the impression that the intellect is what will move your forward in this life. The biggest lie we are fed is that the mind & intuition sit opposite one another. You’ll find that just the opposite is true once you experience the type of flow that comes from trusting your gut.

To get into a space where you can reconvene with this gift, you must engage with those activities that make you so present that time & space become irrelevant. For some that’s painting, for others it’s a workout, maybe yoga or dance, breathwork, writing, walking, meditating. Only you know what you need in order to gain a sense of knowing beyond logic. The beautiful thing about intuition is that it strengthens like a muscle – the more you use it the louder & more pronounced it becomes. After some time you forget what it feels like to not have it as your most dependable guide. 


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