Spatial Energetics


Is your home having an identity crisis? Don’t panic. Not unless he just went off and bought a Maserati without your permission first. Curating a space that reflects your unique spirit is easier than you think. Keep reading.

There’s a reason that when your home is in disarray, your life feels just a frantic & vice versa. Your space is more than just objects in a room. It’s a vessel of energy – for better or worse. That means that the nasty breakup you went through last year is still hiding out in the corner. That time you got fired, yep still lingering in your upholstery. It also means that the friend you had over a couple weeks ago that was complaining about her roommate left a nice heaping pile of negative energy right beneath your feet. And that old version of yourself you’ve been trying to break free from? You guessed it, still swinging from the drapes.

Does that mean we are stuck with all the ghosts of our past & fears of our future, intimately pressed against one another in bed? Absolutely not. Just as we clean our homes to get rid of the physical grime, we must also be cognizant of ridding ourselves of stagnant energy. A good dusting & mopping is a great place to start, but let’s take it a step further. There’s the obvious ever-so-trendy white sage trick; one single leaf of the endangered sacred plant being enough to smoke out all the residue of vibes gone wrong. You can also clap or ring a bell in the corners of your home where energy tends to get stuck. Even a simple but purposeful proclamation that you wish for all energy not in your best & highest to leave through your open windows is enough to get things moving. 

The goal here is to get rid of all the old energy to make space for the new. Even if that means finally donating all those clothes in your closet that belonged to a version of yourself that spent too much time at 1Oak. Let it go. Kondo things up a bit, getting rid of anything that doesn’t align with who you want to be. Now pause, take a breath, and feel that spaciousness you just created! Room for new things to enter into your life.

This is the fun part. Filling your space with meaningful objects & books, colors that speak to you, textures that bring you peace. What is it that lights you up in life? Let your home be a reflection of all those things that bring you joy. Curate a space that is uniquely you! Make every single element intentional & intuitively aligned. Feel into each piece & ask yourself where it should go, and it will tell you. Look at a color palette & see where your eye goes first. How does it make you feel? You don’t have to splash your walls with it, maybe just bring it in with some throw pillows. 

Ask yourself how you want to feel & then seek out those items that evoke it. Bring in some flowers to feel connected. Some books that bring out your curiosity. A vintage vase that fills your panache for obscurity.  Maybe a chunk of citrine to spark abundance. Or a gorgeous bowl of fruit to inspire you into nourishment. Align your home carefully to that which you want to see in your world, because that’s exactly what your home is: a microcosm of our world, crafted from your energy.


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Pen as Magic Wand