Spirit Bonds


In the realm outside of logic awaits a sea of love & connection beyond anything you’ve ever known, just waiting for the taking. Embodiment Coach, Mel Dolan, is here to share her personal experience with this connection to a higher love & its potential to transform every aspect of your life.

The connection to Spirit is vast. It can be thought of as many rivers, or paths, leading into the same ocean. Spirituality is not a religion, it is not dogmatic, and your experience of Spirit, God, Ra, Source, your Higher Self, or the Universe is not going to be the same as my personal shares in this article. It is your sovereignty; it is your truth. Only you can discern what resonates – what lights you up, opens your heart and mind, expands your sensations, or just feels like a full body yes - and only you can choose to leave what does not. So let’s continue this discussion with all of the love and respect of the possibility that we live in a multi-verse or experience where multiple (and vast) truths exist simultaneously.

I also want you to know I am not sharing anything on the basis of “I am right” and I ask for you to do the same both for me & for you – by remaining open to your own truth, while remaining curious to those areas of life where you feel you “have it all figured out”. Because, after all, we are divine souls here having a human experience to learn, grow, evolve, heal, and remember our infinite Being-ness, together.

I want to start with a story of when I discovered my connection to spirit in a profound way. It was not the life-death experience that I had at the age of 18 that landed me in a coma with a 22-day hospitalization. It was not by searching for something outside of myself, attending church, or being told I was sinful for practicing yoga. It began when I was 10 years old and received a handmade necklace from the women of the Sahara desert: a symbol of the evil eye. It was relayed to me that it would protect me from negativity and harm. This small seed was planted and took years to have any significance on my life. 

It was not until I was 24 and grieving the recent passing of my father. When I had hit such a low of feeling empty, burned out, and confused as to why I had all the bad luck in the world. This low brought me into a deep dark place within myself, and I met the greatest light here. Something inside told me that there’s more light within and we want you to see it. It felt like an energy different from the voice of my head - much more clear, concise, & comforting. So I listened to the precise guidance and I began a meditation practice.

It wasn’t easy to clear the noise that was keeping me from this practice, but I knew I had to listen to this clear advice that stood out from anything I’d ever heard before. And it finally happened. I took the time to just sit with myself in a candle-lit corner and breathe. It was only a few minutes in and I felt the spirit of my father come to me. It was as if I was having a conversation with him in human form, only it was with his soul, not his human self that had been suffering. He felt so pure. He told me sorry; he told me he could help me more now, from the other side. He told me I was very loved and supported, and that everything was going to be okay.

My world just about shattered and then cracked wide open into so much light and love, as I felt all of the tension in my back and neck melt into this new awareness that we are so much more than our physical bodies, beyond what our eyes can see. I had no idea what this would mean for me – it’s still a constant exploration. I have been having the most magical experience of life imaginable ever since.

I don’t know that I would truly ever feel whole again after such great losses in my life without this connection to something greater than my small little human self. I healed my physical ailments (I had a lot of diagnosis even by the age of 24!), got myself out of a soul sucking 9 to 5, discovered my soul purpose, and became able to see how my early-life hardships were happening for my greater good. These revelations gave me a massive amount of energy and trust. I began to understand that the universe was supporting me step by step to uncover the reasons I am here playing in this earth game right now.

This new awareness and connection has deepened, expanded, and become more embodied through years of exploration & various tools - kundalini yoga, womb work, pleasure practices, tantra, chanting at 4am in community, silent retreats, talking to the trees & the sea, basking in a zero-point bliss. And also it’s been found in my deepest, darkest moments. These tools are just some of the ways to bring us closer to our soul’s knowing of a purpose beyond what our 3D humanness can begin to grasp or make sense of. There is no “right” way, and getting closer to your soul is at the heart of everything I do and teach. It is the devotion that guides me through my life in every moment.

Connection to spirit is not separate from connection to a best friend, mother, lovers, strangers on the street, or from the devotion to our life’s work and Mama Earth. 

I’ve had wild experiences of time-stream hopping into my quantum “future” self, miraculously healing someone of their pain from a distance, chatting with the deceased and convincing other Spirit entities to bring me specific jewelry as I learned they wanted to be of service (oh yes we get witchy over here). And yet, sometimes I am simply human having a human experience, and there is peace in knowing that my soul worked hard to be here in this human body - to enjoy these moments as blessings just as much as the ecstasy that comes from my spiritual connection.

Mel Dolan

Mel is a Women’s Embodiment + Sensuality Coach, leading women into radical self-love & empowerment. She believes ALL HUMANS can create the vibrant, ecstatic, magical life of their dreams. Her mission is to empower & liberate as many women as possible, giving them a massive permission slip to BE their truest, most authentic, radiant selves.


Breathing into the Unknown


Connection Medicine