Communing with the Divine


Let’s rethink this whole soulmate thing.

Most define a soulmate as one’s other half, creating a sense of completion. Some even extend this term to encompass friends or loved ones. But what about the biggest love of our lives? What shall we call it? Spirit, source, the Divine, universal intelligence, higher love. We tend to place all of our expectations, disappointments, hopes & dreams in our partner’s laps to hold for us. It can be beautiful; it can be heart shattering. Here’s the thing though: we have it ass backwards. Our soulmate is the Divine, our higher source. It’s this spiritual connection that acts as a transistor for our love with another. Without this vital piece of the wiring, we risk power outage.

How to forge a relationship with the Divine, you ask? There’s the obvious answer of meditation, or quiet contemplation. But then there’s the less obvious & arguably more impactful exercise of communing with nature. Make it profound – don’t just do it, feel it. Study a flower and then tell me that Source doesn’t exist. Lay on the earth & soak up its limitless energy. Or read a spiritual text & let the possibility of an unconditional source of love saturate your mind. Try out kundalini yoga and feel It’s energy wash over you. Give breathwork a try. It’s in these moments that we are able to override our rational mind to experience something so much more profound than we could ever perceive with our five senses. Dare you to think about anyone but Source in moments like those. F***boi who?

Try this: Write out a list of all the traits you want in a partner. Be honest. Then take stock of which qualities you already have & which you’d like to bring into your life. Really think through why you want a partner. Now challenge yourself to become the thing you wish you had. This piece takes a bit of creative co-creation with Source. Strengthen your connection with Her & all else will fall into place.


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