Getting Off on Drama


Sexuality & empowerment coach, Jenny Braxton, is here to preach Pussy Centered Living. That’s right, this self-proclaimed Pussy Centered Queen founded a school of the same name to show womxn that all we desire can be called into reality with pussy power. She muses on what it means to live life from this empowered place & gives a real life example from her own marriage to illustrate how we can alchemize emotions, transforming a heated argument into pleasure play.

I am a Pussy Centered Queen.
This does not mean that I’m super kinky and wild in bed. 
{Although maybe I am.}

This does not mean that I just want to have sex allllll the time. 
{Although it does mean that I'm super tuned into my cycle, and so there are times when I want to have sex all the time! And, there’s times when I don’t!!}

It does not mean that I’m walking around in a constant state of happiness and bliss. I have allll the emotions, and they can be all over the place!! 

Being a Pussy Centered Queen DOES mean that I put my pleasure first. Pussy is the queen of pleasure, after all. And, my definition of pleasure is broad.

Pleasure is connection with my senses, allowing myself to revel in taste and touch and sight and smell. Pleasure is being in tune with my needs and my desires. Pleasure is being true to my authentic self, to my original essence. Pleasure is approving of and honoring where I am in any given moment. Pleasure is feeling it all, approving of it all, and experiencing it all - all the sensations of life - in my body.

My pleasure is my sensuality, and my sensuality is my power - true & deep power. I tap into this true deep power to create my life in alignment with what I desire. I use my pleasure & my sensuality to be, do and have the magical, extraordinary life I came here for. 

I am the Queen of my reality. I’m truly creating everything in my life - even though I may not be consciouslycreating it. 

Truth: consciously, unconsciously, and superconsciously, I am creating it all. 

If there is something happening in my life, something I have or don't have, an experience I like or don’t like ~ it’s because there’s a part of me that wants it, even if that part of me is deep, unconscious, unknown to my conscious self.

Part of being a Pussy Centered Queen is truly claiming and owning my power of creating everything in my reality. Even the things I think I don't want. And my sensuality, my deep connection to pleasure, allows me to experience anything in my life that I think I don't want, and to turn it into my power, to turn it into what I dowant. 

I would love to give you an example from my own life that just happened just a few days ago. My husband & I were talking, which turned into fighting. And I got triggered and he got triggered and emotions were high and I was so very angry. 

Because I’m a Pussy Centered Queen, I’m not afraid of my emotions. I know they’re part of my power. And so I gave myself space, I went outside. I felt my anger, embodied it, expressed it, used all my tools, and yet I was still very, very angry.  

I was still feeling very angry and emotional when I came back into the house to help with dinner. There I was, standing at the counter, chopping carrots, still allowing myself to feel the sensations of alllll the feelings & emotions in my body. Not cutting myself off. Just breathing & staying connected with my body & my sensations. Just breathing & feeling. And then, I remembered. 

I remembered that I am a Pussy Centered Queen. I remembered that I am creating every single thing in my reality because there is some part of me that wants it. In a split second, I remembered there was a deep unconscious part of me that was loving having the experience of being so mad and so emotional. I felt the part of me that just was getting so fucking turned on by this fight with my husband. I remembered her, the deep, unconscious, kinky part of myself who was getting off on the drama and all the emotions of it!

This all flashed through my mind in a split second of remembering. And immediately, I went from feeling soangry, into being filled with pleasure, being filled with my power, and literally laughing to myself because I was creating this!! Because there is a part of me that loves it!!!! 

I let myself be the part of myself that loved it, and everything shifted. 

I glanced over at my husband. He caught my eye, glancing at me. And before I knew it, we were in each other's arms, passionately kissing... and from that moment, we were connected & unable to keep our hands off each other. Later, after the three kids were in bed, we healed any lingering vestiges of the fight with the intensity of our deep love & passion for each other.

This is the power of pleasure. This is the power of sensuality. This is the power of embodying the Pussy Centered Queen and taking full ownership of the truth that I am the sovereign creator of my reality. I'm creating it all!!!!

Sensuality & pleasure give me the power to consciously create all I desire.

Jenny is currently offering her life changing 5 day program, The Pussy Codes: Be, Do, Have Allll Your Desires, *for free* & you’re invited to join! Sign up here:

Jenny Braxton

Jenny Braxton is a sexuality + empowerment coach, and the founder of the School of Pussy Centered Living. She believes we get to have everything we want, only better than we can imagine. It’s her deepest pleasure to support womxn in creating extraordinary lives full of everything they desire.

Sensory Self-Care


Living Rich with Sensuality