Sensory Self-Care


Stimulating the senses has never been sexier. As we slow down & harness our attention to notice the sights, sounds, smells, tastes & touch available to us, we come home to the divinity of our own bodies. Toss aside the over-priced eye cream & cancel that massage because this version of self-care requires no frills. This one’s all about simple sensual pleasure. Now tell that pretty brain of yours to take a seat; your senses are about to take center-stage.

We tend to think of self-care as a luxury, evoking images of face masks & body scrubs, but it can be so much simpler & more evocation than that. It’s about cultivating deep presence & awareness of self. The easiest way to get there? Sit back & allow your senses to take the lead. Slow down & notice the subtleties of sight, sound, smell, taste & touch. Curating a sensory experience isn’t just self-care, it’s about discovering what brings you pleasure – an excavation of the true You.

Sensory self-care offers the opportunity to love your body from the outside in. We are often taught a reversed version of this process in the spirituality sector: to love our generosity & sense of humor, our tender heart & sharp wit; the body merely a suit for the spirit. But the sensory experience is what makes us human! It’s the way we perceive pleasure & sense beauty. What if we start with external? Our beautiful body’s ability to feel touch, to see colors, to smell flowers, to taste chocolate, to hear music. 

Mirror work is a gorgeous place to start on this journey from the outside in. What if we learn to look in the mirror & feel pleasure at the sight of our bare body? Practice by looking in the mirror & listing five things you love about your body. Don’t fake it, FEEL it. Truly embody the gratitude & celebration of your favorite bits. Maybe it starts small – the way your hair sweeps across your eye, the curve of your hip, the nape of your neck, the way your eyes change color in the light. Look at yourself like an art piece, because you are. 

Slowly your appreciation for your physical form will grow with this positive reinforcement practice, and soon you notice that you’re also really fucking funny & charming, too. Outside in, see? It’s great to love your insides, but if you cringe at your reflection you’re denying a huge part of the gift of the human experience! Self-care begins with appreciation of the divinity of the physical form.

Let’s take it a step further from sight to touch. This is where an embodiment practice comes into play. Maybe it’s laying down for some deep breathing & rocking your hips. Maybe it’s dancing so hard you feel your skin buzz. Maybe it’s laying in bed & lightly running your finger tips over your skin. Maybe it’s a self-pleasure practice. Maybe it’s a silky bath & a coconut oil self-massage. Maybe it’s a yoga practice that does it for you. Whatever it is, let yourself be felt.

Let’s bring sound into the mix. Few things can shift our emotions as rapidly & dramatically as music. Maybe you lay in bed & feel the music. Maybe you dance to it, breathe to it, make love to it. Maybe you go outside & listen to the whip of the wind & song of the birds. Maybe you sing softly to yourself. Maybe you chant kundalini yoga mantras. Let sound echo through your vessel.

Smell is the perfect pairing. Is there anything better than a gorgeous candle burning in the background of a sensual bath or a playful dance sesh? Make scent your main focus. Maybe it’s a fresh batch of cookies in the oven. Maybe it’s an essential oil diffuser. Maybe it’s a new perfume. Maybe it’s the simple scent of the air before a rain. Or the smell of a hyacinth in spring. Maybe it’s the smell of your crush’s shirt. Or the smell of your hair after a long shower. Close your eyes & allow scent to transport you somewhere else.

Taste. How lucky are we to have to ability to gain pleasure from the act of eating? How beautifully designed this world is to bring us limitless tastes & textures of diverse foods. We’re meant to enjoy the experience. It’s an offering to us that would be cruel to deny. Maybe you buy an exotic fruit at the grocery & eat it in silence letting it drip down your chin. Maybe you create a dish with the intention of incorporating as many flavors & textures as possible. Maybe you let your lover feed you chocolate. Maybe you pick wild mint & let it cool your mouth as you chew.

Whatever it is for you, delve into it fully. Experience it in its entirety. Feel it with your senses. Let it take you away. Find what brings you pleasure. What brings you presence. What brings you a sense of solace. Play with different sensory experiences & let it be a testament to your love for this body, this human existence. Engage with a deeper kinda self-care.


Initiating Deep Change from the Outside In


Getting Off on Drama