Harnessing Your Superpower


Wondering what yours is? Here’s a big hint: it’s your Authenticity. But how do you tear through all the societal programming, your past patterning, and the fear of rejection & truly grab life by the balls? Keep reading.

Hello, hvman. I’m going to clue you in on a little secret. You have a mission here on Earth. That mission is being so fully You that just the way you live becomes an artform. From your fashion to your home design, from your walk to your talk, Self-expression is the true purpose of life. To get there requires a deep sense of self, the You beneath all the bullshit, your true authenticity. Nobody else can do You better than you.

In the age of social media where even reality seems illusionary, it’s easy to become lost to wellness trends, influencer fads & political agendas. Which means your mission is no easy task. Finding your voice amongst the constant stimuli input & societal programming is indeed a quest for the brave. I have faith you can carry out your duty, though. Notice where you have imaginary rules for yourself. Where the word “should” seems to crop up in the most inopportune of times, keeping you from doing those things your soul wants you to do. Open your mind to the possibility that perhaps you are a mere product of your environment so that you can choose to break free from the box.

This is a request to be original. To create new art. To build something that’s never been done before. The world needs you. Stop looking to others for the way to be. Stop letting perfectionism keep you from expressing your true Self. This call to action means getting quiet with yourself, it means examining your life’s patterns, it means admitting that you have been wearing masks your whole life. But it’s not all shadow & cleanup; this is an opportunity to be the hvman that’s been trying to break free from your self-imposed prison.

It matters not what or how you express yourself. Sing your truth into the world, dress your sex down the street, dance your grief, paint your power. If you don’t identify as an artist, I’m here to tell you we are all artists. Our every movement, gesture, word - all art. Anything you put out into the world is a creation. From the food you cook, to the way you do that jumping jack – all art. 

What is it that lights you up? Inspires you? What is it you could do or talk about for hours? What are your most prized possessions? What areas of life fill your thoughts? What kind of future do you dream of? Start engaging with those things. Daily. Soon you will find a You so much more you than you ever thought you could be! And that You will birth new magic into the world, inspiring others to do the same. Soon there will be no “normal”, or “right”, or “should”. Tell your story. What is your unique art you will bring forward? How will you express yourself this lifetime? We need You.


Pen as Magic Wand


The Solo Dining Experience