The Solo Dining Experience


Always resilient NYC has risen strongly from the Covid-19 ashes to give birth to a whole new kind of outdoor dining experience. Read on for Live Rich Mag’s take on the top spots to check out, perfectly suited for parties of 1 looking to fill up on some plant-based goodness.

There are few things more liberating than requesting a table for one. Think about it: no need to coordinate orders with another person, no need to share your plate, no need to make small talk in between bites, and no need to watch someone else eat (no offense). Not to mention the intimated declaration: “I am secure in my singledom!” Regardless of your relationship status, or even your social life situation, solo dining is a bit like sky diving. Excitement builds as you approach the host, you have a moment of panic when it comes time to proclaim, “party of one”, and then bam! Adrenaline hits & you’re free falling with a smile of accomplishment as you sip on some good ‘ol tap water. Okay, maybe that’s just the newbs, but still, do not underestimate the power of enjoying your own company. 

In the city that never sleeps there is no shortage of amazing plant-based restaurants that are on the ready to knock your socks right off. That’s right friends – New York City is still very much alive despite 2020’s attempts to disrupt. The usual car-lined streets of NY have been replaced by clusters of outdoor dining splattered across the city like Little Europe, perfectly poised for a solo diner like yourself. There’s never been a better time to get your booty out there to soak up the people & the fresh air we now see we took for granted. Just don’t forget your mask & Sani :)

Let’s first talk on this whole “plant-based” thing. Same as vegan? No. You could fry up some soy with some artificial color & flavoring and call it vegan meat. Is it tasty? Sometimes. Is it beneficial to your body? No. Which brings us to point #1: Plant-based dining indicates food that is packed with high-quality produce with high-quality nutritional benefits. It’s less about the whole plant vs animal protein debate, and more about choosing foods that are nourishing to your body. In fact, this isn’t really about diet choice at all. Whether you choose to consciously eat an animal or plant-based diet, we all benefit from leaning more heavily on produce. 

After all, what says “I love you” better than filling up on foods that look beautiful, taste beautiful, and will make you beautiful from the inside out. Which brings us to point #2: We are what we eat. Would you rather be composed of a myriad of chemicals & hormones or from Mother Nature herself? Eating plant-based means eating until your heart’s content & then getting up and still being able to walk. 

Point #3: Plants make us feel good! They bring an immediate energy supply. Instead of leaving the table lethargic, you skip your cute little a** home. Don’t forget those leftovers – the ones you have because your friend wasn’t there to clean the plate. Enough said. 

Now onto our top 3 picks for NYC plant-based restaurants. The criteria: 1) a versatile menu with a vast array of high-quality seasonal plant-based options. 2) multiple gluten-free options that don’t sacrifice the integrity of the dish. All featured dishes are both vegan & gluten-free. 3) a gorgeous dining experience with a great waitstaff, thoughtful Covid protocol, and real effing dishes. Some potted plants don’t hurt either.

Numero Uno: Sestina

It’s safe to say that anything that plant-based restauranteur Matthew Kenney touches turns to gold, and his latest NYC venture is no exception. Known for his ability to make plant food sexy AF, Sestina puts an innovative spin on Italian classics. Think decadent cheeses, mouth-watering meatballs, and unbelievable homemade pastas.

We kicked things off with some salads. The Caprese Salad - a gorgeous ball of stretchy mozzarella you’d hardly know was rice-based, surrounded by little heirloom tomato jewels & topped off with a sweet balsamic. The Beet Salad – Richly colored beets studded between thin slices of tart apple & dollops of creamy ricotta. & The Caesar Salad - a reinvention of the classic, with soybean bacon that tastes like the real thing and a pumpkin seed dressing that tastes even better than the original. The perfect start to our multi-course cena.

Then on to the Truffled Cheese, served with seeded flatbreads & raspberry preserves. Heavenly pretty much summarizes things here. Still drooling. The Market Vegetables - a mix of potatoes, green beans, tomatoes, and microgreens, in a white wine garlic sauce. You will want to drink the sauce. Try to behave. & The Eggplant Forno – Slices of eggplant baked in a dreamy red sauce with more of that gorgeous mozzarella. The result is a melt in your mouth mini eggplant parm you’ll wish you could eat twice.

On to the mains. The Saffron Risotto - a moment of silence, please. Impossibly buttery, with the chew of perfectly done rice, and the lasting aroma of white wine & garlic. Truly a masterpiece. & The Rigatoni – made meaty with lentils and mushrooms in a red sauce. Sounds simple, tastes anything but.

Dessert! Never skip dessert at Matthew’s restaurants. Trust. The Torta Della Nonna – a dense shortbread cake served alongside a refreshing lemon custard and fresh berries. & The Almond Sorbet – an off-menu secret worth the ask.

Dos: Petisco Vegano

Breakfast served daily until 4pm. Need we say more? It’s rare that a menu gets us this excited. We had to try it all. For you, of course! Petisco offers up a mostly Mediterranean plant-based menu with tons of options sans gluten. Truly a living pipe dream.

We got things going with the Carrot Lox on a gluten free bagel – only one question here. How? How do they make carrots taste like the most tender slices of smoked salmon you’ve ever had? Mind blown. & A side of the Mushroom Bacon – can’t say it really tastes like bacon, but it does have an intense smokiness and super satisfying seasoning that almost makes it better than bacon, dare we say. Definitely worth adding on to your order.

For mains, we went with the seasonal Plantaeful Bowl – a mix of impossibly rich black beans, baked squash, sautéed kale, and cabbage slaw served over brown rice & topped with avocado and fried plantains. Still thinking about it. & The Shakshuka with a vegan fried egg, made from some sort of algae magic they practice. Great, but honestly we were just bummed we didn’t have room for the Enchilada Casserole. Next time.

Went for breakfast for dessert, as one should, and ordered the Apple almond oat pancakes – super dense, super satisfying. Served with a berry sauce you will need to ask for an additional side of because yum.

Tres: Divya’s Kitchen 

Divya’s feels less like dining out & more like having a home-cooked meal. There’s a sense of coziness about the food; you can practically feel the love that went into it. Don’t be fooled by the overall simplicity of the menu though. These dishes were carefully designed by Ayurvedic master, Divya Alter, with the three doshas in mind to bring a sense of balance to the body. While the menu is not entirely plant-based, containing some cheese & ghee items, it is certainly plant-heavy and offers tons of healing combinations. 

We started out with the Sunflower Beet Hummus & gluten-free crackers - gorgeousness aside, the hummus lends a dense bite with a light taste. With the crunch of the crackers it’s sure to hit the spot. For a dose of raw greens, we opted for the Cucumber Avocado salad - super light & refreshing, letting the greens do most of the talking. 

As a main, the Vegetable Curry brings a grounding warmth, perfect for the cooler days ahead. The cashew sauce has such a lush texture you’d hardly know it’s dairy free. This will forever be the dish you crave when you need a Covid-friendly hug. You’ve been warned. 

No meal is complete without dessert(s). The Rose Chocolate Mousse is a total show-stopper. How one can create such a silky creamy dessert without dairy is beyond comprehension. But it’s the rose essence that really pushes it out of this world and into the next. & The Pistachio Fudge is perfectly chewy and decadent with a crunch from the pistachios. Don’t leave without it.


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