The Dance with Divine Timing


Back in full force, Fi Nodar, talks time & trust. She hits on the secret sauce to manifesting what’s meant for you, while painting a picture of the sublime quality life takes on when you devote yourself to alignment with the Uni. Brace yourself for major impact. 

The Dance with Divine Timing 

We are hopelessly bound to the laws of time, and so our most divine experiences are those that temporarily warp it. The wise know that time is our most valuable resource, and the wiser seek to squeeze the most out of what little we have of it. If you identify as a conscious, growth-oriented person, you’re likely on a path of perfecting your ability to quantum leap, trying to manage and save precious time, while directing your willpower towards the manifestation of your dreams. After all, the whole point is to have as much time as possible living a life of pleasure, peace and prosperity — right?

So we get to work, exerting and expanding our powers for creation while bumping into a few things beyond our control, like “timing”. We learn that the most control we can exert over time is time management. We can try to hold a tight grip on manifesting our desires, but no amount of will can alter the timing of finding the love of your life, receiving the perfect opportunity, something finally “clicking”, or landing the brilliant idea you’ve been waiting for. In that sense, timing is divine. Time is sacred, incomprehensible and infallible. 

Divine timing & co-creation with the universe:

Divine timing means that we receive opportunities, circumstances, blessings, and beings when we need or are meant to receive them. Inherently it stands for a trust in the way our lives unfold before us. 

If you choose to believe it, divine timing is proof of an external creator’s participation in your life. We know the transformational power of the human spirit, of focused willpower, and of devoted labor, but still we cannot manifest many of the most meaningful things using solely human attributes. ‘The Divine’ is in our process, co-creating reality with us moment by moment.

Living your life intentionally in co-creation with external forces makes manifesting your desires much less heavy of a burden. You aren’t creating the things you desire all alone! Know that your part is very important, but you’re not the only one with creative power of authority. To get in flow with the forces out of your control, you get to learn how to surrender a little. 

Surrender as a part of creation:

To surrender in the process of getting what you want, just do the work you know you can do, then trust the consequences of your labor (and relax!). This is the same for all acts of creation. When you do your part to make things happen, the universe steps in and responds to your energy and effort. It’s how the dance of co-creation goes with anything, including with divine forces. We each have potent creative power — timing just isn’t ours to fully manipulate.

‘Surrender’ is the yin to the yang of your hard work. Enjoy the labor and then let go! Relax into the flow of life! Slow down and notice what you’re being offered in reward for your hard work, including the lessons of patience and perseverance. Don’t let your spirit get diminished by the uncertainty in waiting — a vibrant and trusting spirit dances well with external forces. Allow yourself to trust that you’ll receive what you desire (or something better) in absolute divine timing. 

Fi Nodar

Hi, my name is Fi! I’m a designer, artist and creativity coach with roots in design leadership. I’m deeply passionate about creative empowerment for all people, and have made it a mission to help others experience a more inspired, expressed and fulfilled life. Become fully alive in your creativity to create a life you truly love.

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