Reclaim Your Cyclical Nature


If you think the only way to bear great change is to white knuckle it all the way there, think again. Mindfulness & meditation teacher, Meg Sweeten, is here to help you loosen your grip & let (da fuq) go. No need to fasten seatbelts, gang, this one is soft & sweet like the lullaby you didn’t know you needed. Let’s go on a joyride to rediscover your true undulating nature, shall we?

Imagine being disappointed when a tree’s leaves change color in the fall, knowing it’s preparing for winter and conserving energy.

Imagine being shocked when a flower dies after not receiving enough sunlight and water, knowing these are essential to life.

Imagine being angry that the moon isn’t full every night, knowing about its orbit and phases.

Sounds ridiculous, right?

Yet, you are disappointed when your body changes in different seasons of your life, knowing just like a tree, your body also reacts to different events and situations.

You are shocked when you feel like shit after a week inside, binging on screens and sugar, knowing you are just like a flower, and water and sunlight are also essential for you.

You’re mad at yourself when you can’t crush life at 100% every single day, even though you know you have different phases throughout the month, exactly like la luna.

We can be pretty cruel and judgmental with ourselves and each other, by not allowing, normalizing, and anticipating changes that we so easily accept in nature.  We humans have found an incredible way of separating ourselves, in a perfection driven society, from different seasons, cycles, and phases that are completely natural.

We should be better than nature and able to handle these things, right?  


Nature has been around long before us and will be here long after.  We need to get back in line.

That is why my work is to help women reconnect with their cyclical nature, get curious about their different phases, and reclaim them.

There is a wisdom filled intelligence in nature that runs through you, if only you made time to tap into it.  A time to allow; your gains and losses, your light and dark, your phases and cycles.

Some exercises to begin tapping into your own cyclical nature:

  1. Write down a timeline of major changes in your life. Notice if there is a similar number of years in between each major event. For example, every 3, 7, or 10 years.

  2. Track your period. Notice your energy levels closer towards menstruating vs. a week after.

  3. Begin to follow the moon phases and the seasons of the year. Notice if you feel any different on the new and full moons or between fall, winter, spring and summer.

You’re made of stardust.  You’ll be in awe with how natural it feels to start acting like it.

If you are ready to feel like your natural stardust self & would like some support, join Meg’s upcoming 4-week seasonal women’s group: The Fall Collective - start date TBD. Learn about the wisdom of the seasons in sacred sisterhood.

Visit: to get all the details and register

Follow: @thesoulcabin on Instagram to stay connected

Meg Sweeten

Meg Sweeten is a former TV executive, now a motorcycle riding nature goddess, certified meditation + mindfulness teacher, and writer.

Meg is also the founder of The Soul Cabin, a sacred online space for modern everyday women seeking to rekindle a connection to their own wisdom.  The Soul Cabin offers seasonal women’s circles, wisdom sharing workshops, and 1:1 soul sessions.

The Dance with Divine Timing


Rockbottom me, baby.