Initiating Deep Change from the Outside In


Ladies & gents, we have a new queen on the scene. Creativity Coach & Artist, Fi Nodar, is here to show you the transformative power of your living environment & what you can do to grant yourself the gift of a spatial reset. Herein lies your opportunity to shake free of all debris & uplevel your life. Let’s get unstuck, shall we? 

Our environment is the backdrop to our lives. It either perpetuates or rewrites the stories we live in. It persuades and it hinders action. Our space says a lot about who we are, not just to those around us, but more importantly to ourselves. We’re designed to experience an external world too, one that imprints beliefs internally through lived experience. We experience the world in relation to our surroundings and our senses, and in turn they influence what we believe of our lives.

Updating your standard for living is one of the most straight-forward ways to improve your life. You literally begin to live more of your life from a place of higher self-worth when you care for your home and live with an intentional relationship to it. We can influence our thoughts, feelings and behaviors through our environment. A spatial reset is a subtle but potent way to level the fuck up.

If your space feels stagnant, uninspiring, stuck in painful memories, or not supportive of your wants and needs — a reset may be needed. Here are some ways to move energy in your space, releasing what no longer serves you to spark change from the outside in.

Check your space for stuck memories and stagnation.

Our environment is a full sensory experience that can easily awaken our memory. If you’ve experienced something painful in a space you frequent, you may be revisiting the feelings associated with that experience when you spend time there. Reflect and notice what memories or feelings seem stuck in your space.

Perhaps you’re stuck in a more subtle way, feeling indifferent or a sense of stagnation. Tune into the belief that our spaces can evolve to continue supporting us as we evolve. This is why I think it’s so important to have a consistent relationship with your space, one where you keep it healthy, check for symptoms of distress, and playfully express through design (much like with your body). 

Initiate change through ceremony.

Release unsupportive stories, painful memories and lingering bad vibes through ceremony. Ceremony can be a beautifully personal and intimate experience, so I encourage you to choreograph an experience that feels really juicy for you. 

If you crave a burst of joy and sunshine:

I recommend blasting music to sing and dance to, opening your blinds to let the light in and windows to receive fresh air. Light some candles and admire the fire. 

If you crave a release:

Tune into your space. What do you think the walls have seen that you haven’t wanted to see? Feel what wants to be felt. Breathe into it, release it with sound and exhale.

If you’re angry or feel a pent up inner storm, perhaps you need permission to make a mess. Expressing inner chaos outwardly is surprisingly therapeutic! Use picking up and cleaning as an opportunity to introduce change while practicing self-love. 

If you crave a cleansing:

Do a deep clean. Change your sheets. Burn palo santo. Introduce sound to ‘clear the air’, like a bell or your own humming. 

If you crave a new beginning:

Thank your space for what it’s held for you in the past. Move furniture around and create a new way of moving through the space. Part ways with what doesn’t delight you or make your life easier. Treat yourself to a gift that breathes new life into the environment. 

Redesign your space with intention.

Consider what you want more of in your life. Your home is a portal for abundance, ripe with the opportunity to play with your pleasure, desires and dreams. At home you can practice being who you want to be and gain confidence through your self-empowered choices. 

How does that desired version of you move through your space? How do they take care of themselves in it? What are their rituals and habits? Designing your space to support a practice of embodying your best self makes it a deeply supportive incubator for your personal transformation. We can truly tap into the transformative powers of our environment when we live consciously with it, releasing and rebuilding our inner and outer worlds in harmony.

Fi is currently accepting 1:1 clients eager to dive deeper into creativity or master their relationship to their home environment. She’s also launching Pie in the Sky — a creative salon and workshop dedicated to dreamers in Austin, TX. The next session starts June 24.

Follow & chat with her on instagram:

Fi Nodar

Hi, my name is Fi! I’m a designer, artist and creativity coach with roots in design leadership. I’m deeply passionate about creative empowerment for all people, and have made it a mission to help others experience a more inspired, expressed and fulfilled life. Become fully alive in your creativity to create a life you truly love.

Rockbottom me, baby.


Sensory Self-Care